Siraat Passengers Transport LLC
Transportation in Al Qusais
Phone: +971 553856695
Fax: +971 42512384

Our business activities are passenger transport, bus rental, chauffeur service and car rental. We provide safe transportation with driver and without driver, our customers are five stars Hotels, Tourists, UAE Residents, Individuals, Companies, Government And Semi Government even Institutions, Schools, Colleges, Universities.
Siraat Passenger Transport LLC is Dubai - UAE based one of the leading Bus Company. We are really pleased to put the facilities we provide in your notice.
We can provide you all kind of transportations or as per your demand with our best operation team.
Thank you for choosing SP Transport, We take pride in transporting your guest's
If you have any queries please feel free to contact the undersigned 24/7.
Siraat Passengers Transport LLC
Operations Dubai - UAE
Direct Contact: 00971 (0) 55 3856695
24 Hour Hotline: 00971 (0) 55 9982439
Siraat Passenger Transport LLC is Dubai - UAE based one of the leading Bus Company. We are really pleased to put the facilities we provide in your notice.
We can provide you all kind of transportations or as per your demand with our best operation team.
Thank you for choosing SP Transport, We take pride in transporting your guest's
If you have any queries please feel free to contact the undersigned 24/7.
Siraat Passengers Transport LLC
Operations Dubai - UAE
Direct Contact: 00971 (0) 55 3856695
24 Hour Hotline: 00971 (0) 55 9982439